Most Wanted
Ways to support Caenhill Countryside Centre
Where possible we recycle / up-cycle from items donated to us, many found in back of sheds or in a yard. Our volunteers mend, build and of course pass on skills to our students from material that has been donated.
- Animal feed, straw, hay for our animals chicken, cattle, pigs, sheep, cat, goats.
- Fencing, posts, gates, rails, strainers, stock wire, hinges, hurdles, electric fencing posts & wire.
- Building materials especially wood, felt, galvanised tin and breeze blocks.
- Cement, sand, gravel, road plainings.
- Paint brushes, masonry, fencing or bitumen paint, red oxide, brush cleaner.
- Work gloves, boots, overalls, farm coats, warm socks, towels.
- Polytunnel, shed, sleepers, water butt, pallets.
- Old farm machinery, farm tools for farm use and our heritage museum.
- Woodwork / metalwork tools, power tools.
- Scaffold boards & poles, tools for forge area.
- Root crop seeds, wild flower seeds, potting compost, plants.
- Plumbing equipment, hose, water pipe, troughs, belfast sinks.
Beehives, bee keeping equipment, bee suits.
Coal, stoves, fire wood, wood burning stove.
Volunteers Wanted. Can you spare an hour or two to help develop our crop, sensory, wood work, forge, mechanical, woodland, wild flowers, rescue animal, roundhouse and rural craft areas.
Companies you can sponsor one of our areas or a student / placement.
Please contact for more details
Become a patron
If you shop online please visit
Summer holidays young farmers club £5 a half day.
If you can help in any way please get in touch.
Caenhill Countryside Centre Devizes - Contact Helie Franklin twitter @caenhillcc
Phone 01380 723698 - 07816816125