By Kara Robertson on Sunday, 21 June 2020
Category: News


It's Father's Day here in the UK today, so I just wanted to start this week's roundup by saying Happy Fathers Day to all of the dads. I hope that you have a lovely day however you spend it. I especially want to wish my dad, otherwise known as the Chatty Farmer, a good day and say that although I am particularly rubbish at getting him gifts, I couldn't be more thankful to have him as my dad. I can't believe how much things have changed at the farm since last Father's Day, all the social media support (I'll talk more about that another time) and all you have achieved. Thank you for letting me be a part of it all, hopefully volunteering is making up for some of the rubbish gifts of the past *smile*.

As you'd expect, Father's Day doesn't mean my dad takes a break, there's always so much to do at the farm, especially while we're working with limited volunteer support outside of the food collections. There are always animals to care for and jobs to be done, but there's certainly no chance of getting bored. Even when there's a moment's peace to sit and have a break it's quite common to be joined by an emu at the window, Bumblebee the sheep at the door, or a kitten wanting a shoulder to perch on. It's all part of the magic that we're lucky enough to share with you every day.

It's worth all of the hard work when we see our animals growing into characters. Have you seen how much Benedict the goose has grown this week? It just goes to show how eating your vegetables really does make you big and strong.

It's worth it when we see our animals settle into farm life. Did you see Giggle joining the rush hour all by himself for the very first time yesterday (Saturday) and Benedict today? We're all so proud of them.

It's worth it when we see our animals going on to be fantastic parents. The most wonderful scene from the farm this week has to be Salt the bantam chicken with her babies and their dad following along behind her. It's not common for a rooster to be so protective of his family, so it's been special to watch them all together. Hopefully I'll have the time and patience to get a decent photo next visit.

We are working with animals though, so not everything goes to plan, but we just go with it. Lucky wasn't supposed to be at rush hour this week, but it turns out she's the Houdini of the goat world so she's been joining the morning fun any time she can. While Bumblebee hasn't quite settled in with the rest of our sheep out in the field, so she's made a rush hour return too. She's much happier following Chris, seeing the cats and keeping cooler now that she's had her lockdown haircut.

We can't even say the weather is predictable after the farm missed all of the thunderstorms and heavy showers that Casey and I had at home (around half an hour away from the farm) at the start of the week. But, the rain came in the end and Chris, Helie and their wonderful neighbours got out planting the last of our sunflower seeds in the hope that they will finally take root for a beautiful display later this year. The field might look a little odd at the moment, with plastic bags on posts scattered around, but hopefully it's keeping the crows away long enough to help our seeds grow.

Thank you all for joining us and sharing the farm with us again this week. Don't forget that if you still want more we're live with the morning rush hour on the Caenhill Countryside Centre YouTube channel. We're working on adding even more from the farm there too, we hope you're enjoying the channel as much as Casey and I. Check out Casey's favourite video below.

Until next time, keep safe.

Kara and Casey

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